Tuesday, 30 October 2012

October card from Robyn

The "Chiostro die S. Francesco" looks like a serene place to relax from everyday life, a marvelous place to draw undisturbed. Robyn drew the cloister in the technique of solar etching print. A technique that I have never tried. I found on youtube some movies that show very well how it works. Thanks Robyn for this lovely card showing how beautiful you have it where you live.

On the other side of the card there is a little extra piece of art: "The watercolour is a beautiful little enemy from our garden« Robyn wrote.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

My card from Albrecht

I'm once again so happy to be the owner of this card from Albrecht. His use of pencil to capture a scene is a joy. You can almost see the pencil dancing across the card - adding here and there a little detail, hatching to achieve the darker tones and leaving the white to show the flash of sunlight.

Turner's painting of the Castle

He's siting on the famous Goethe Marianne Bench at Heidlberg Castle and when I  researched to find out more  I've realised what an important historical place it is and I've added an illustration of a painting by Turner to show it's significance.

Albrecht has also drawn a carving on the limestone bench of Ginko leaves and a Hoopoe. Thankyou Albrecht.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Tuscan Black Figs

Look at this totally stunning postcard I received from Robyn this month! Wow! I love everything about it- the wonderful watercolour work, the colours, the composition, the details on the blue plate and how delicious it looks. These are black figs from their garden and was painted using the wonderful Winsor and Newton Potters Pink colour- this is paint colour that Robyn got me onto last year and it has become a standard for me. Thanks Robyn- I love this!

Monday, 8 October 2012

The Art Gallery of New South Wales x Two

It's always interesting seeing the same subject created in different ways. For an artist it's probably one of the best ways of exploring different mediums. 

Liz is well know for her wonderful ink and watercolour sketches. Here though she has tried out watercolour alone, followed by what she terms her 'latest craze' marker pens.  I've not tried pens like this but i can imagine they open up a new world in terms of speed.  No hanging around for washes to dry. 
Thank you so much for the two sketches Liz!  Both different but both definitely Liz!  I love the stamps too - aren't those fur seals great :o)

Wednesday, 3 October 2012


Dear Pat, yes your card has reached me happily and healthy. Here, too, the summer is over. The green slowly turns into a symphony of yellow, red and brown. The nights are becoming colder. Where we live on the other side of the road chestnuts break every few minutes loudly through the leaves of a giant tree.

As you know I love trees. Therefore, I am especially pleased with your great composed gathering of trees which you've drawn with a beautiful spontaneous stroke. It is another fine card of my growing mailart collection. Thank you so much! Albrecht

Chloe - with a heart as big as an elephant

This beautiful watercolor of a Boston Terrier named Chloe profoundly portrays the best friend of Desiree's daughter,  Jennifer.  Shortly before Jennifer's 24th birthday she was the victim of an accident and through no fault of her own was left wheelchair bound. Though the circumstances of Jennifer's story are difficult to accept, she remains a young woman who doesn't give up, who loves life and who enjoys a very special relationship with her constant companion, Chloe. 
Chloe' s expressions bring joy and amusement as they reflect her boundless love for Jennifer.  This special dog is all of the characteristics that are inscribed around the edge of the card and much more. 
Desiree thank you so much for this very special card mit herzlichen Gruessen, auch an Jennifer and Chloe - the dog with a heart as big as an elephant. Albrecht